wake up


“The only woke I wanna be is Kingdom woke.” ~Stephanie Lippincott

The calls to “Wake up!” seem to mean a number of different things right now in the body of Christ.

“Wake Up! The mainstream media is in cahoots with an extremist agenda and they are trying to take down the country, and WE are helping them!”

“Wake up! We’re STILL not showing leadership in the area of oneness and this centuries long racial divide in the U.S. We need to address this (again) NOW so we can heal and work together in alignment with a Kingdom agenda!”

“Wake up! Yes black lives certainly do matter, but the movement is being hijacked by ungodly and well-funded influences and we’re ALL being played!”

I could list probably 5 or 6 more, but I think this is enough for starters.

In ALL of our “WOKENESS” (yes I made that word up) let us seek FIRST the Kingdom of God in our thoughts, words, and actions.

You can start by simply asking God questions such as:

1. What is Your heart concerning all of this?

2. What do You want ME to do concerning all this?

3. Are there any lies that I’m believing? If so, show me the truth I should be believing.

4. Is there anything in my heart that is keeping me from revealing and releasing YOUR glory in the midst of the things that are causing me angst right now?

AND before sharing someone ELSE’S words expressed via video or article, you can simply pause and ask:

Should I share this? Does it fully represent Your truth or am I primarily motivated because it mostly represents my opinion?

The Holy Spirit is the BEST teacher and will lead and guide you to all truth.

May we each have spiritual eyes and ears open and receptive hearts to receive from His wisdom.

May we each look first at ourselves and how we as individuals can better reflect His nature.

May we each hear and heed His voice and take action accordingly.

It’s worth repeating:

The Kingdom of God is a government that is neither a democracy nor a republic. It’s God’s rule, His reign, His way of being and doing things…He’s in charge and He rules with love, grace, righteousness, truth, mercy, and justice. If you’re a Christian / Kingdom citizen, your *primary* citizenship is the Kingdom of God.

About the author

Shae Bynes
By Shae Bynes

Hi, I’m Shae Bynes. I created this blog in order to capture some of the things God has placed on my heart concerning a “Kingdom Over Everything” life.

In other words, living out of Kingdom identity and citizenship – looking at everything through Heaven’s lens.

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