CategoryKingdom Mindset

Idle Words


I’ve been meditating on the concept of “idle words” (Matthew 12:36). Strong’s Definitions indicate that in the Greek the word idle (argos) means inactive, unemployed, useless, and barren. A lot of translations use “careless” instead of idle, but that just doesn’t hit the same as inactive...

A Glorious Destiny


My prayer this morning was that those in the body of Christ who continue to prophesy doom and gloom (full of fear) without a glimmer of hope outside of electing a man into office are spending at least twice as much time seeking the Father’s heart and praying. Regardless of what happens in November...

Strongholds Are Oppressive


A sign of a stronghold: When you consistently have a strong opinion about something that you have little knowledge of other than what a few talking heads in the media have said…or a handful of friends on Facebook.

Strongholds are so oppressive. I truly thank God for the power to overcome them.

Sounding The Alarm


Be careful when you’re “sounding the alarm” in the midst of the world’s affairs that you’re not in reality sounding like a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. Express yourself with love. After all… It’s patient and kind.It doesn’t envy or boast.It...

About Black Lives Matter (Part 2)


The Kingdom of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ isn’t a Democratic or Republican ideology. Yet what we’re seeing right now in the body of Christ is mental myopia on the topic of “Black Lives Matter.” Mental myopia: the result from seeing people and situations through an “all or nothing” lens...

What I’m Not Saying


I’ve had this conversation privately with several people over the past few weeks… I’ll repeat it again. When I say #KingdomOverEverything I’m NOT at all saying that other aspects of identity and experience are irrelevant. However if (as a Christian / Kingdom citizen) those...

about “black lives matter”


Breaking Mental Myopia: “Black Lives Matter” One can care deeply about black lives through their words and actions, yet never use the hashtags #BLM or #BlackLivesMatter One can support reforms in the criminal justice system and policing, yet not financially or otherwise support the Black Lives...

the silence of the saints


Breaking Mental Myopia: The Silence of the Saints You know the world’s culture is influencing the King’s culture when so many in the body of Christ have decided that “All Silence is Violence” or “Silence is Agreement” or “Silence is Disagreement” when it comes to [insert ANY tough issue we are...

Hi, I’m Shae Bynes. I created this blog in order to capture some of the things God has placed on my heart concerning a “Kingdom Over Everything” life.

In other words, living out of Kingdom identity and citizenship – looking at everything through Heaven’s lens.

Learn More or explore by blog topic.

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