AuthorShae Bynes

Voddie Baucham’s Book “Fault Lines”


In the Introduction of Fault Lines, Baucham suggests that the main issue (and looming catastrophe) in the body of Christ which will lead to a major division is “a lack of clarity and charity in our debate over the place, priority, practice, and definition of justice.” He makes it clear that the...

Idle Words


I’ve been meditating on the concept of “idle words” (Matthew 12:36). Strong’s Definitions indicate that in the Greek the word idle (argos) means inactive, unemployed, useless, and barren. A lot of translations use “careless” instead of idle, but that just doesn’t hit the same as inactive...



My prayer over the last few days (that will continue all the way to Election Day and beyond) has been that those who consider themselves to be Kingdom citizens will not fall into complacency if their “chosen one” is elected into office (and frankly even if their chosen one is NOT elected). Voting...

“Kingdom Over Politics” With Jade Simmons


I had a rich conversation with Independent 2020 presidential candidate Jade Simmons with Operation Restoration 2020. She shares her heart on what it looks like to approach politics with a primary Kingdom lens as she creates visionary platforms and policy, connects with everyday Americans, and finds...

Regardless of the election results…


Regardless of what happens in November, we need more people in the body of Christ awakening to Kingdom identity, authority, and purpose. Kingdom citizens who aren’t awaiting revival, but recognize that they ARE revival; brothers and sisters who carry and release glory, lean into Heaven for...

A Glorious Destiny


My prayer this morning was that those in the body of Christ who continue to prophesy doom and gloom (full of fear) without a glimmer of hope outside of electing a man into office are spending at least twice as much time seeking the Father’s heart and praying. Regardless of what happens in November...

The Sound of Clanging Cymbals


I’m not exhausting myself debating about issues when the conversation isn’t solution-oriented in its focus and isn’t rooted in the beauty of both love and truth. The sound of clanging cymbals is way too deafening these days. Let’s rise higher.

Strongholds Are Oppressive


A sign of a stronghold: When you consistently have a strong opinion about something that you have little knowledge of other than what a few talking heads in the media have said…or a handful of friends on Facebook.

Strongholds are so oppressive. I truly thank God for the power to overcome them.



I was asked about my favorite pundits. My answer was that I don’t have any. I was then asked who I liked to listen to as it relates to government. My answer was that as it relates to government and politics I will listen to pundits with a variety of perspectives. I also said I’m yet to hear a...

Hi, I’m Shae Bynes. I created this blog in order to capture some of the things God has placed on my heart concerning a “Kingdom Over Everything” life.

In other words, living out of Kingdom identity and citizenship – looking at everything through Heaven’s lens.

Learn More or explore by blog topic.

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