What I’m Not Saying


I’ve had this conversation privately with several people over the past few weeks…

I’ll repeat it again.

When I say #KingdomOverEverything I’m NOT at all saying that other aspects of identity and experience are irrelevant.

However if (as a Christian / Kingdom citizen) those things are the *primary* lens that you view the world through and are driven by, it can take you out of alignment with the Kingdom of God.

If you believe that a Kingdom lens as your primary lens is problematic or in direct violation of His best for you and humanity, then it means that there’s more revelation for you to receive regarding the Kingdom of God – lean into that! That’s not a jab, by the way… it’s an invitation!

The fact that God created me with this beautiful brown skin is relevant.

The fact that God created me as a woman is relevant.

The fact that God chose for me to born in the United States is relevant.

All of it’s relevant. All of it is connected to my experience in the world. All of it gets to be used for His glory. All of it is PART of the lens, but my PRIMARY lens is “What does God have to say about this?” or “What’s the King’s agenda in the midst of all this?”

About the author

Shae Bynes
By Shae Bynes

Hi, I’m Shae Bynes. I created this blog in order to capture some of the things God has placed on my heart concerning a “Kingdom Over Everything” life.

In other words, living out of Kingdom identity and citizenship – looking at everything through Heaven’s lens.

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