Political Strongholds


I saw a video shared of a conservative Christian woman being arrested as she was defacing public property and protesting about how “Black Lives Matter” doesn’t really care about black lives since they don’t care about unborn babies, black police officers, etc.

As the police were escorting her to the police car, she repeatedly called the name of Jesus, and then there was a black man that shouted something to her. I couldn’t quite make out precisely what he said (I’m sure it was something harsh), but the response that she shouted loudly back to him was:

“You’re an idiot. You’re a loser. You’re a coon. Your mama is a coon and she raised a coon. She raised a coon like you. You hate yourself.”


Oh, and yes. The woman I am referring to is black.

When I heard it I immediately burst into tears and cried for probably five minutes. My reaction caught me by surprise, but I was grieving because this is EXACTLY what the enemy LOVES.

(To be clear, I’m not picking on this individual which is why I am not calling her by name. I don’t know her and know very little about her, and I prayed for a Kingdom alignment for her that produces much Kingdom fruit.)

This isn’t about an individual, it is about demonic strongholds.

Seeing this situation happen AND seeing so many brothers and sisters in Christ enthusiastically re-share it and celebrate her “boldness” (because of the protest, not necessarily her outburst) was actually quite sad. Knowing the further division that could easily ensue as a result of the sharing of this video with that specific language was devastating.

This is an example of what happens when a Kingdom lens isn’t the primary lens and when politics, partisanship, or anything else is made an idol (intentionally or unintentionally) over the ways of the Kingdom.

When you have a political lens, you celebrate and re-share it if you identify as Republican/conservative.

When you have a political lens, you justify, minimize, and compare “wrongs” of political ideologies and rank the importance of a variety of demonic activities.

When you have a political lens, you read this entire message and your thoughts are focused on the “Black Lives Matter” movement or your opinion about this woman as opposed to the actual point of this post.

When you have a KINGDOM lens, you align with the truth that it’s not enough to stand for a righteous cause through a demonstration of unrighteous behavior.

We can do better.

In all this revival talk we’re having in the body of Christ, I pray that includes repentance from exalting any lens over the Kingdom of God.

About the author

Shae Bynes
By Shae Bynes

Hi, I’m Shae Bynes. I created this blog in order to capture some of the things God has placed on my heart concerning a “Kingdom Over Everything” life.

In other words, living out of Kingdom identity and citizenship – looking at everything through Heaven’s lens.

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