the race card and george floyd


I humbly submit to every person who considers themself to be a Christian or Kingdom citizen that although it’s true that one may not be able to prove 100% without doubt that race was a factor in the actions of those 4 officers (vs. a pure power play…which can have subconscious race related roots but I digress), the impact and trauma of this man’s pointless death for many black Americans runs deep regardless.

Therefore, any insistence upon…

“We don’t really know if this has anything to do with race” or “the media is just trying to divide us by race” or “but what about black on black crime” (which isn’t actually a thing, but see the message below for more on that) is irrelevant. It’s not even the point. It’s counter-productive to a ministry of reconciliation (which we are called to!).

Oh Father, let YOUR Kingdom come and will be done on Earth IN YOUR CHURCH in these United States of America as it is in Heaven.

And regarding “black on black crime”…

Dear Christian / Kingdom Citizen:

“Black on black crime” is NOT a thing. Well, it is but no more than “Asian on Asian crime” or “White on White crime” or “Latino on Latino crime” 🤷🏽‍♀️ Look at the stats for yourself and you will see that crime is primarily a matter of proximity and opportunity. It’s just crime.

Additionally, when this phrase is used in response to instances of black people being murdered or criminally mishandled by law enforcement it’s completely ignorant of the fact that when black people commit crimes against black people (or anyone else for that matter), they are prosecuted.

This “black on black crime” cop out is a false narrative used too often to deflect from true injustice and racism and it’s counter-productive to the ministry of reconciliation (which we are all called to!)

Stop saying this. In Jesus’ name.

About the author

Shae Bynes
By Shae Bynes

Hi, I’m Shae Bynes. I created this blog in order to capture some of the things God has placed on my heart concerning a “Kingdom Over Everything” life.

In other words, living out of Kingdom identity and citizenship – looking at everything through Heaven’s lens.

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